Jack Launer, Burnley Green Party Candidate

After the May local elections the Green Party carried on with the previous co-operative agreement to run Burnley Borough Council.

The power sharing saw Jack Launer retain a seat on the executive.

The portfolio has grown to including housing , health, culture and wellbeing.

The local party is excited by the challenge of finding solutions to the problems the town faces and Councillors Helen Bridges, Alex Hall, Beki Hughes and Martyn Hurt are hard at work helping Jack to put the Green View forward. We are proud to be part of the group alongside the Burnley Independent Group and the Liberal Democrats and the spirit and ideas are energising. 

The agreement is helping the party grow and become credible locally. Here is a picture of the current crop of councillors who will be looking to make a difference over the 2 years:

Left to right: Jack Launer, Helen Bridges, Martyn Hurt, Alex Hall, Beki Hughes

Councillor Bridges is a champion of Green issues and housing.

Councillor Hughes is looking to help working mums and wants to campaign to bring an A&E back to Burnley.

Councillor Hall wants to improve our transport network, make sure students can travel across the borough effectively and introduce a Universal Basic Income trial.

Councillor Hurt retains the position of disability champion and has been elected as a Burnley Leisure and Culture Trustee and Vice Chair of the Development Control Comittee.

Introducing Jack

Jack Launer has been named Leader of the Green Group at Burnley Borough Council.

He was also voted to be the Green MP candidate for the election in 2024.

Jack has a degree in Politics and a background of working in health and culture. 

He steps up at a time where the party is looking to grow the local membership and move into new wards across the borough.

Jack has pledged to push the social justice agenda forwards across the executive and Burnley Borough. 

Already during the campaign he has attended hustings, been interviewed on Radio Lancashire and has made sure the local press are taking an interest. He also plans to take the message into social media in a proactive way to promote the positive outcomes of the policy we shape.

The General Election takes place on Thursday 4th July.

Elections Green Party News

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