Nine priorities for government action to ensure short- term responses to the coronavirus crisis create resilient green foundations for a better future

The Coronavirus crisis has changed everything. It has reminded us who and what really matters in our lives. It has laid bare the profound weaknesses of an economy which has systematically eroded our collective social immune system. It has taught us that many things we were told were impossible or unrealistic, are possible.

The government can house homeless people, fund the NHS, provide an income for people who aren’t able to work and write off billions in public debt overnight. 

It is possible to guarantee everyone’s right to healthy, locally produced food, to lift everyone up with a universal basic income, and give everyone a better future on a liveable planet.  All these things are political choices.

We cannot go back to where we were before.  Business as usual didn’t work for too many people and was destroying the natural world on which we all depend.  

We can and must redesign our economy and society to meet the needs of everyone for food, shelter, care, health, dignity and financial security, irrespective of employment or nationality.

The green steps Caroline has set out are just some of the ways we start to shape what comes next, into something better. They are the start of a conversation, not the end – taking us in the direction of a future transformed.

Over the next few days, we will publish the 9 Green Steps To Better.

#greenstepstobetter Covid-19 Green Party

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